Monday, September 19, 2011

The use of facebook in class

I have mixed feelings about the use of facebook or other social networks in class.  In good be a good tool or it could be misused.  I can see some benefits.  A class could have a facebook page or be part of a facebook group.  There could be assignments just done for facebook.  If a student misses class, he or she could find out what the assignments are because they are posted on the facebook sight.  Maybe even some classes could be totally on line and facebook could be part of it.  This, of course, can have its drawbacks. 
    Group projects could be partially or maybe totally done on Facebook.  If the group had trouble meeting maybe they could all get together at the same time on facebook and that could possibly work.  They could chat on line about the project they were working on and not neccessarily have to meet at a designated location.  There are many positive aspects to using facebook or other social networks.   There are also drawbacks. 
      Elementary, middle school, and high school sometimes have problems paying attention.  This could just add to the whole problem.  Instead of passing notes students could be posting stuff on facebook.  They could also be chatting with friends outside of school when they should be paying attention to the teacher. 
      Another drawback is that both the students and teachers have their own private lives.  Should teachers and students friend each other on facebook.  If a teacher friends a student should teacher have a facebook page just for his or her students?  I know that I would not want my perspective students to be friends with me on my facebook page.  Sometimes certain subjects are discussed on my facebook page that I may not want others reading, especially my perspective students. If I do friend my students I will have a page just for them. Also, my perspective students have a right to a private life away from their teachers.  Should the students have their own facebook pages just for their teachers to view? 
     Could a teacher somehow start being harrassed by a student that he or she doesn't get along with via facebook or the internet.  This could become a problem.  There definitely needs to be limits set when concerning the use of facebook or other social networks in a student and teacher relationship.


  1. James, you made a lot of great points in your reflection. I especially like how you discussed teachers and students being friends on Facebook. I myself wonder how to possibly approach this. It would be important to have a separate profile page, but like you said this could have its drawbacks. You made a great example of this with possible harassment. I think this can also relate to so many laws on teachers being alone in a room with a student. Would this not somehow be compared to this? Teachers and students would have another form of communication that may be abused. I see the many points you made, both positive and negative and still find myself conflicted about the use of social networking in the classroom.

  2. I don't know if I agree that it would be a complete distraction in the middle and high school levels. I do not know how to channel that excited energy to learning energy, but I do think it is valid tool. On a college level, of course. At this point students should be mature enough to see technology as a learning tool and not just an escape from learning.

  3. Hi James, I liked your straightforward post. I wouldn't want my students befriending me on Facebook because I have the right to a private life as well, which I can share with others if I choose. I wonder what message your sending your students when you create a separate profile just for them. Plus, what am I going to really have in common, other than school, with a student. I could see things getting carried away easily. I don't even want to start or deal with it. So, I believe in not treating your students as buddies in the first place, but being a leader and their teacher. If I had a Facebook, it would be for my class or course only. It gets to confusing otherwise.

  4. Hey James! I agree with you on several points. Especially the part about the private life - shouldn't that be separate from school? As a student you are already so exposed in class, and have to follow the teacher's authority, and then to be required to have a whole FB interaction going on with everyone? For many students I know, FB is an 'escape' from all that schooling, it is a way to chat with friends, share photos and just be social for a while, with out without meeting the people in actual life. But if it becomes part of the school, what is your escape (from homework or other academics) then?:(
